Portfolios are an added layer of flexibility to group deals or properties together if they are being managed as a unit.
Understanding Portfolios in TermSheet requires a basic understanding of Properties and Deals.
In TermSheet, Properties are defined as actual addresses or the individual locations that can be purchased. (Properties are not turned on by default for all customers)
Deals can have a 1:1 or a 1:many relationship with properties. Deals with multiple properties will have multiple locations listed in the Locations Panel in Termsheet. A deal with multiple properties is still a deal. (not defined as a Portfolio, in TermSheet).
Portfolios contain one or more deals. This added layer of flexibility is intended to allow teams to manage match their TermSheet workspace to the way they are doing business today. With Portfolios, data can be tracked on the portfolio level, on the deal level, and on the property level, allowing for more granular tracking of key datapoints.
Leverage portfolios when there are deals that are sent through the same broker which may be easier to track and manage as a collection.
💡Things to Consider
Portfolio Overview
Using the Breadcrumb Trail
When in a portfolio or a deal, view the breadcrumb trail in the upper left corner to understand what level of information is being viewed.
The breadcrumb trail we be formatted as [DEAL VIEW] / [PORTFOLIO] / [DEAL]
(If the deal has multiple properties associated, the property addresses will be listed in the "Locations" panel in the deal overview.
Navigate Portfolios from the Deal Tab.
Portfolios will be listed in Views in the Deals tab and can be expanded to show their child deals using the chevron icon.
View child deal data in portfolios via Tables (Legacy)
Add a the "Tables (Legacy)" panel to view a roll up of child deal fields or child property fields in a table format from the portfolio.
🚀Getting Started with Portfolios
✅Are there existing deals in your workspace that you may want to manage in a portfolio?
✅Is there child deal data or child property data that you'd like to visualize on the portfolio level?
✅Are you managing your Excel models with multiple deals or properties in a single workbook?
Update Portfolios via Excel Add-in - Article Coming Soon!