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  2. iOS - Mobile App

Log an Engagement from Mobile (iOS)

Add new or view existing Engagements from the TermSheet mobile app, available on iOS.

Engagements logged from mobile make it easy to log notes on interactions while teams are on-the-go. 

🔒 Permissions

Admin and Standard Roles have access to contacts and companies by default. 

Any user who has access to contacts and companies can log an engagement2023-10-04_10-28-55


💡 Things to Consider

The TermSheet mobile app is only available on iOS devices at this time. 

⚙️ Steps

  1. Navigate to any contact on the mobile device. 2024-05-02_10-42-28
  2. Tap the + icon
  3. Tap the type of Engagement to log from the list of options that appear. 2024-05-02_10-43-28
  4. Tap any field to access the options for that field. 2024-05-02_10-43-41
  5. Tap the description field to enter notes about the engagement. 2024-05-02_10-44-09
  6. Tap save

TermSheet Logo - no text