Link Status, Start/Due Dates, and Completion from another Task (BETA)

Linking tasks allows teams to make it easy to keep task lists in sync.

Link tasks to another task item to have a task inherit the status, start date, due date, and completion from another task in any deal task list. 


💡 Things to Consider

The only fields / data that is linked between the tasks are:
Start Date
Due Date
Completion Date
Set up the task linkage in the task that will inherit the data. 


  1. Select a Task to access the task details
  2. Select "Link Task", located below the internal value field. Open Task Link
  3. Use the dropdowns to select a task list within the deal and a task item from within that task list. link task window
  4. Once selected, an internal value will populate. Once this has populated, this should not be modified. 
  5. To remove the linkage on the task, Select "Unlink Task". The icon will return to "Link Task" when it has been successfully unlinked. The internal value may not be immediately removed. unlink task

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