Configure Custom Object Layout Templates to display data in the Custom Object module.
In TermSheet, Layouts refer to the tabs, panels and fields that display within any custom object item. Layout Templates grant teams the flexibility to manage the ordering of panels and fields as needed.
Any role can edit the add item form by default.
Custom Objects access is not restricted by permissions.
💡Things to Consider
- Select "Edit Layout"
- Select "Add Tab" or "Add Panel" to configure the layout by adding subtabs or form panels where custom fields can be added once the layout is saved.
- Select "Save".
- Use the popup to save the changes to the existing layout or to save as a new layout.
- To add custom fields to the form panel, select the ⁝ icon. Then, select Edit Layout in the panel.
- Use the + icon to add fields in-line or use the + icon in a box to add a field in a new line. Use the x icon to remove a field.
- Save the panel layout using the save icon.