Add a Property to an Existing Deal

Add one or more properties to a deal from the Deal tab.

Deals can be created without an associated property. Properties can then be added at a later date.

💡 Things to Consider

The street address fields in the Deal Information panel cannot be manually updated. Instead, properties are associated with the deal in the Location panel.

⚙️ Steps

  1. Select a deal to view the Deal Overview page.

  2. Locate the Locations panel.

  3. Select the + icon. Then, select "Add Property"

  4. Enter the property information. If the property already exists in TermSheet, the option to add the existing property will appear. If the property does not exist in TermSheet, it can be added manually in this step.

  5. Select Add to Deal (existing properties) or Save (new properties).

  6. Multiple properties can be added to a deal. To add an additional property, repeat the steps above.


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